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Hello and welcome to The Skin House Esthetics website! You’re either here because you need a service, or you saw our skull sign!🫣 Please make sure to read all salon rules and F.A.Q'S, BEFORE booking. You're gonna have a bad time if you don't.
The atmosphere of Skin House has been described as relaxing, but with a slight touch of feeling like you’re at a tattoo shop. By that, we mean there's some....let's say...different décor. Tastefully, of course.
Skin House is not your average "girl boss" salon. We keep things authentic and encourage our clients to do the same! Don't be afraid to act goofy, because chances are we are too!
-NO children under age 12 will be allowed in. You will be asked to reschedule.
-NO pets are allowed unless they are service animals. BUT, we do have an official Emotional Support dog! Check out Luna's section, for more information!
-We will NOT tolerate drug or alcohol use, racial, rude/aggressive, or sexually harassing behavior. We will be rude back and you’ll be asked to leave.🤗
-Danielle and Karen have their own set of prices, payment types and specifications. They also have their own forms of communication. Contact information is listed on their bio portion.
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